Headset has become the trend of the fashion industry products, almost every popular person needs to have a headset. As the most fashionable not you do not want to do? Earphone industry from the current point of view, most manufacturers regard the main event on the portable headphones on, after all, it is a compromise in the quality and volume of a product, highly cost-effective.
A lot of portable on the market, features also vary, there are main low-frequency, volume, and the headphones on the market was also mixed. How consumers choose their products right, they become headaches. Today, we have selected Dell pa10 adapter five models from which a cost-effective and stylish headset, want to help you in the selection of headphones to provide some reference
Sennheiser PX100 white version of an open structure design of micro-moving coil, an impedance of 32 ohms, 1.4 m length of headphone cable. Another headset lock to be placed in open and closed position, with separate wearing cotton, and increased comfort. Spiral-shaped Duofol sudden shock film, sound quality is quite outstanding.
To adapt to the crowd: Do you like the white-style headphones
AKG K420
Product Features: wear comfortable, the sound balance
Edit Comment: AKG K420 is AKG a hot product this year's flagship, K420 targeted at entry-level headphones HiFi, low-frequency performance in a strong but very clear and strong musicality. K420 appearance of blue-based, with AKG LOGO of embellishment, the overall feeling of avant-garde fashion. It is worth mentioning that, K420 headphones the first steel beams for the structure by GPS navigation, not only strong and durable and comfortable to wear.
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